Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Polymer clay creation and Cupcake Extravaganza

This little guy was inspired by Beastlies.

I recently purchased Hello, Cupcake! and What's New, Cupcake?...and I went a little crazy....


........... said...

Hi again, Do you allow follwers to your blog? I tried to become a follower but didn't see it anywhere. Anyway I really like your blog and I am surprised people haven't commented! People might comment though if they could follow because your blog updates would come up on their list othewise it is hard to find your blog again. I just so happen to be looking up mortuary schools and saw a picture of knitting, (lol, thought it was strange) so I clicked it and found your website!


copernicus721 said...

Wow, I didn't realize people actually read my blog. I'm glad to hear that you like my blog. I have to figure out how to allow people to follow me. I'll work on it. Thank you!