For those wondering how to make one, it's a piece of cake....7 layer chocolate cake...yum. Sorry, I got side tracked.
What you will need.
- A cool glass container. (I found mine at the 99 cent store, Ikea, Michaels, and my aunt's garage)
- Succulents (of course! You can find them at your local hardware store or nursery. Just don't go out looking out for them when it's raining. I did and I got wet).
- Cactus soil. (local hardware store)
- Rocks or pebbles (local hardware store)
- Sand (local hardware store or petshop. But it's cheaper at the hardware store)
How to:
- add about an inch and of half of rocks.
- Add about 1.5 to 2 inches of soil.
- Put in the succas (succulents)
- Add the sand
And voila, there you go! You can add cute little dinosaurs or other creatures. What I love about these plants is that they don't need much attention, which is good because I forget to water plants all the time.
On another note, on Wednesday I attended a stamp making class held by Home Ec.
and it was so much fun!!! The ladies were HILARIOUS and we made very cute stamps made out of Staedtler rubber. These stamps may look crude, but they look awesome on fabric or paper. I haven't taken pictures of that, but I will put them up later.