Baby Gema was born last week (Sept. 25), but I haven't finished her blanket yet. I just need eight rows, unfortunately I left the last ball of yarn at my aunts house in Fontucky, so I have to wait until Wednesday to finish...Arg. This is what she looks like. She was a whopping 8 pounds! Yikes...
While I'm waiting for Wednesday to come around, I have been playing with yarn and came up with Squidlien, half squid, half Alien. I was making an asteroid flower from Crochet Bouquet, when it occurred to me that it looked like tentacles, so I decided to make a head. My crochet skills aren't great, so I was sad when the head was way too big and it wouldn't stand up by itself. Then, I started smashing the head and ma
king creases and this was the result! I think it's cute!